By Crop: Watermelon


Keylate® Iron is designed for soil and/or foliar application. This product contains iron, an essential component that aids in functions such as oxidation and reduction reactions, respiration, and enzyme reactions.

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Keylate® Copper is a convenient plant-available source of an essential nutrient. Copper provides an important element . It is formulated to be used in fertilizer solutions and is non-phytotoxic when

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Progressive growers looking to maximize yield, realize that a plant’s yield potential is only as strong as its weakest nutrient link. In most cases these nutrient deficiencies are invisible, but

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Sugar Power® combines phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium formulated to build yield during productive phases of development.

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Energy Power® includes formulation from five different divalent metals—all of which are vitally important to plant health and critical plant growth factors that have been closely linked to high yield.

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Bio-Hold® is a product based on field-proven Stoller science used for improving abiotic stress resistance in plants.

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X-Tra Power® Premier supports micronutrient needs essential for root and plant growth.

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X-Pand™ is an EPA-registered organic plant growth regulator. It is primarily used to increase the sizing of cells within the plant tissue.

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X-Cyte™ provides cytokinin which is critical for vegetative growth, reproductive development, and abiotic stress mitigation.

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