By Crop: Apple


THAT® Flowable Sulfur is an EPA-registered, broad spectrum flowable sulfur product that controls a broad spectrum of insects and diseases.

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Sugar Power® combines phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium formulated to build yield during productive phases of development.

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Stoller Root Feed® Dry contains continuous growth of the roots, maintaining the nutritional balance throughout the plant’s growth cycle.

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Energy Power® includes formulation from five different divalent metals—all of which are vitally important to plant health and critical plant growth factors that have been closely linked to high yield.

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Bio-Hold® is a product based on field-proven Stoller science used for improving abiotic stress resistance in plants.

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X-Tra Power® Premier supports micronutrient needs essential for root and plant growth.

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X-Cyte™ provides cytokinin which is critical for vegetative growth, reproductive development, and abiotic stress mitigation.

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Sett® provides two of the most critical nutrients fruit and vegetable crops need, calcium and boron.

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Nitro Plus 9™ promotes efficient nitrogen uptake and use efficiency for fast root flush and greater physiological response.

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