High Yield Soybeans: 100+ Bushel Soybeans

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Start, Grow, and Finish with Stoller

Three-time Illinois Soybean Association yield contest winner Jason Lakey on what it takes to break through the 100-bushel yield barrier:

“We are always looking for ways to increase our yields and Stoller products have been helpful in accomplishing our yield goals over the last three years.”

“In tough times, I need more bushels to make up for low commodity prices. You won’t get more bushels by cutting back on these yield-enhancing products. I’m convinced Stoller is at the top of the game when it comes to increasing yield.”

Soybean Yields

2015: 101 bushels/acre

2016: 105 bushels/acre

2017: 110.3 bushels/acre

“High yield starts from the time you plant the seed. I focus on keeping every plant happy all season and minimizing crop stress. I know there is a yield difference. We’ve had amazing yields. There’s definitely a benefit to using Stoller products or I wouldn’t be doing it.”