Enriching and nurturing communities

The essential Stoller values for me are to learn, to practice, and to give back to make this world a little bit better place.

Jerry Stoller

The Stoller Foundation

In 2006, Jerry Stoller created the Stoller Foundation. This charitable organization incubates and accelerates other non-profits that are focused on evangelism and volunteerism.

The Stoller Foundation serves the role of a needed catalyst to recruit “the fishers of men” to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission. He believed the Stoller Foundation’s calling is not just to enrich good programs or ministries, but also to “grow and nurture a generation of believers who are willing to get their hands dirty to serve others and the Kingdom of God.”

As a non-operating foundation, this organization seeks to partner with other non-profits to address community needs. The Stoller Foundation collaborates with these organizations to develop ideas, foster them and establish them as non-profit ministries. Once a project has been approved, we move forward in awarding a grant for the initiative.

For more information on the Stoller Foundation, contact us at StollerFoundation.org.